
Lupins produce the best quality protein of virtually any crop. In fact, lupin protein is even superior to that of soya protein, and is dramatically superior to the protein which comes from, peas, beans, clovers, or other straights such as rapemeal.

It is the cost of protein which causes feedstuffs to be the biggest single cost on UK livestock / dairy units. If this protein can be produced on-farm, then the feed costs can be dramatically reduced.

Lupins offer the other advantage that they can be harvested in different forms - either dry combined, or wholecropped using existing silage-making equipment. This makes lupins and lupin mixtures the gateway to reduced protein costs and increased viability.

blue lupin051

Why Soya UK?

There are several good reasons why farmers grow Lupins with Soya UK:

  • We deal in White and Blue Lupins
    Our knowledge and expertise in Lupins allow us to advise on the correct Lupin for your particular area and system.
  • Choice of Varieties
    The variety choice will vary depending on what part of the country you are in, your soil type, and pH levels. Soya UK are able to offer  varieties of White and Blue Lupins. Having a range of varieties is important, as it allows us to match the variety to the job in hand, and the desired end-use.
  • Marketing
    Most of our arable producers in the South and East, are growing White Lupins on buy-back contracts supplying the UK feed market. Due to the ever-increasing cost of soya and proteins, values are currently strong. In addition, we trade a large amount of Lupins on a farm to farm basis, which gives the arable farmer a good price and the livestock farmer an excellent source of UK-grown, non-GM, high-quality protein at a reasonable price. You can email us if you are interested in either selling or buying Lupins.
  • Agronomy Service & Advice
    At Soya UK we pride ourselves in the service we offer growers, from variety selection right through to harvest. We provide all growers with a full programme of agronomic advice through crop visits, regular agronomy bulletins by post, and SMS texts to mobile phones. Growers can also telephone our office at any time for up to the minute advice. Getting the agronomy right is important with all crops and Lupins are no exception.

Soya UK Resources

You can download more information on contracts available and agronomy advice.

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Knowledge & Experience
There has been huge expansion of the UK Lupin crop in recent years, thanks to advances in plant breeding and the resounding success of our Lupin-based forage mixes. Experience gleaned over the last 15 years enables us to help growers achieve the best from their crops. Our extensive ongoing development of the crop includes a range of trial and field experiments alongside a good working relationship with plant breeders.


Crop Utilisation
Lupins provide a fully traceable substitute for imported Soya. There are now hundreds of UK farmers growing Lupins and discovering their excellent feeding qualities. Soya UK Ltd are at the forefront of Lupin crop development, and are constantly looking at optimising the use of Lupins in livestock systems.
